Day 177
Posted by: Jennifer | on December 1, 2013
IT IS OFFICIALLY DECEMBER 😀 December is probably one of my favorite months of the year–Christmas is my favorite holiday and I just love the holiday spirit among other things around this time–thus, it’s not too surprising that I get excited for December in Animal Crossing too. (If only the game had an Advent Calendar too)
Upon loading up, I received a letter from Nintendo today! Unfortunately, it was just a reminder for the repeated DLC:
“Dear Jennifer,
Travel to any Nintendo
Zone location to receive a
rolling suitcase between
11/29 and 12/12, and a
double-neck guitar between
12/13 and 12/26. Hurry!
From your generous friends”
Unfortunately, there was no snow today 🙁 Or incoming weather and most of my villagers were relatively quiet so not too much happened. But I’m sure things will happen soon–and for now, I must prepare for the Dung Beetle 😐
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