Day 61
Posted by: Jennifer | on August 7, 2013
Re-tail Sign: Stinkbug
Turnips: AM: 74 Bells | PM: 69 Bells
Before I start with actually playing, I made sure to watch the Nintendo Direct this morning! OMGANIMALCROSSINGPLAZA! That made me SO excited and you can see birthdays for special characters and T~T <3 I am sad it won't be around forever though... I am downloading it on my Wii U as we speak...or well, as soon as the Nintendo Direct ended because I'll probably be posting this later today and then it's not really as we speak...or as you read... you know what I mean.
Also! Pumpkin Pie on August 11th. I hope they mention all the special items and dates soon. And since it's any location, now I don't have to go through tons of traffic for the only two Best Buys with Nintendo Zones that are close by 😀
I am just so so so so excited (Including for other games like Pokemon Rumble U (WHY 2 WEEKS AFTER EUROPE T__T), Professor Layton 6 (WHY 2014 T___T), and Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney to name a few...but this is an Animal Crossing blog so not going indepth) 😀
Anyway, after finally getting myself back together after massive amounts of squeeing, my day had begun. There was a Throne in the Nooklings' shop today, but I already have one so... I did manage to buy a shirt I hadn't catalogged yet from the Able Sisters though.
I decided to officially scrap the Convenience Store and go with a Toy Shop--something I think I'd enjoy more and not being a room made just to show off. I don't really like to do things like that and prefer rooms that are made of things I enjoy. I would say the trophy room though is probably a little of each, but it's more of happy accomplishments and stuff I like over a LOOK AT MY SHINY THINGS.
While it still needs a lot of work, I’m definitely much happier with it. Most of the rooms not yet complete still need a lot of things so bleh. I probably should narrow that exactly what and order things along with placing flowers, but that is what I’m having the hardest time with X__x
Sadly, I was then suddenly given some late night work to do :/ Which killed my Dream Suite planning. Bleh. Maybe I can do it later tonight.
On the bright side, the rest of the DLC at Nintendo Zones were mentioned!:
I am SO happy the Afternoon Tea Set is coming over! I don’t know if it or the Pumpkin Pie will be reorderable though… The “Machine for frozen Drink” seems to be the Slushie Machine (which is what it’s called in the US too O__o) that the UK got in a Spotpass letter from Pete so I think it’s the same thing and just an error with the name… Still, so excited for the other two!
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