Day 118

Posted by: | on October 3, 2013

So, I am officially on my trip! Thus, until the 14th or 15th these entries will be villager overviews @-@

Cookie wanted to know what I’d enjoy best out of a few choices (Bungee Jumping, Riding a Rollar Coaster, or Swinging on a Trapeze). I picked the last one.
Marina spoke to me about flower breeding.
Merengue wanted to know what kind of books I like.
Molly sold me her record player.
Flurry wanted new furniture. I ended up getting her picture again as thanks.
Peanut wanted to trade me her sofa for a shirt.
Julian told me about breeding flowers.
Maple wanted a dragonfly.
Marcie was constantly in Re-Tail so I didn’t get to see her…
and I couldn’t find Diana 🙁

I also ended up finding a lost item.

It ended up belonging to Merengue who was literally like 2 feet away. I guess she dropped it recently.

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