Day 64
Posted by: Jennifer | on August 10, 2013
Video Log: Twitch Part 1, Twitch Part 2
Re-tail Sign: Coral
Turnips: AM: 49 Bells | PM: 45 Bells
Today was mostly a storage clear-out day. I had some gifts to give and just really need to be organized better x-x I also noticed Redd was in town.
While I don’t need anymore paintings/statues, my boyfriend still does so I’ll have a check when he opens up.
Since shops hadn’t opened yet, I worked on getting some of the things for the basement in Emi’s room. I really need to get the rest of the Mermaid tables before I catch more though :/ Besides that, apparently Jeremiah is planning to move, but I haven’t gotten a ping from him…
After selling some things, I headed to Mikayla’s Town :3
I dropped off the stuff I had for her and she gave me a bunch of things T~T Thank you again!
We also played minigames.
One of her friends, Emily, also joined us :3 It was lots of fun <3
After, Chananr invited me over to his Europe game for Weeding Day :3
I also got to catalog things <3
I managed to catch a Stroller in the Nookling's Shop 😀 So I bought it, ordered another, and brought that one over to be refurbished.
Picked up:
Passerby then invited me over to give me a surprise…
THE WEDDING CAKE 😀 EEEE! The fact that the icon is actually a cake amuses me so much.
Imaginos invited me over for catalogging lots and gave me some of the items on my wishlist :3
It was much fun. Passerby had more for me to catalog too.
Refurbishing the Chalkboard next :3
And picked up:
After that, I just picked up some stuff from Eclipsed and that was it for today <3
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