Day 78

Posted by: | on August 24, 2013

Re-tail Sign: Horned Elephant

So, the day started early. Marcie wanted to go to my house right away which was surprising… I feel like they all constantly want to go to my house lately. Once I finally started fossil hunting, I noticed a Lost Item–turns out it belonged to the first person I asked, Kiki. As a reward…well:

This is my first time getting a picture for an errand T~T <3 I ended up having Gulliver today.

“I’m not going to kiss someone I barely know! And I’m not yours either.”

“B-but I am a Princess… I guess the Detective Hat can be confusing though…”

“Apology accepted.”

Even though I don’t need any more of the items, I have fun with the trivia. He’s on his way back to Italy now.

Once the stores opened up, it was finally time for catalogging >3 There was actually one of the stationary sets I still needed today and it ended up letting me see just how close I am on some things.

For example, at the time of writing this, the items I’m missing (NOT including DLC not out yet because obviously I don’t have it :P):
Furniture – 20
Camp Stove
Cardboard Sofa
Cardboard Closet
Circle Banner
Festive Candle
Festive Flag
Fish Grill
General’s Fan
Hospital Bed
Kiddie Dresser
Lat Pulldown Machine
Museum Model
New Year’s Noodles
Pipe Stool
Shogi Piece
Taiko Drum

I’m missing 91 shirts so not going to list all of those…

Bottoms – 10
Armor Pants
Dapper Skirt
Dark Polka Skirt
Dogtooth Pants
Green Gym Shorts
Green-Zap Pants
Hot Spring Skirt
New Spring Skirt
Old Armor Pants
Red Tartan Pants

One Pieces – 18
Blossom Dress
Blossoming Dress
Caveman Tank Dress
Citrus Gingham Dress
Dapper Dress
Dreamy Tank Dress
Festive Dress
Floral Knit Dress
Gaudy Dress
Gumdrop Dress
Lime Dress
Lovely Dress
Moldy Dress
Pop Bloom Dress
Silk Bloom Dress
Star Tank Dress
Vogue Dress
Yodel Dress

Hats/Headgear – 10
Diver’s Hood
Emperor’s Cap
Funky Wig
Kintaro Wig
Ogre’s Wig
Red Ogre Mask
Red-Horned Hat
School Cap
Stagehand Hat

Stationery – 5
Gallery Paper
Halloween Paper
Hieroglyph Paper
Museum Paper
Post-Office Paper

Gyroids – 4
Tall Bowtoid
Mini Buzzoid
Tall Harmonoid
Tall Lamentoid

(Then I just need to worry about actually getting the two Gyroids I still want: Mega Oboid and Mini Gargloid)

I didn’t realize how close I was. I’ll probably focus on shirts once I get those set… I definitely want to do a double check through the catalog to make sure I didn’t accidentally check anything though.

If Marcie going to my house earlier wasn’t enough, Julian asking to later didn’t help.

“But…I like arts and crafts. :(”

Peanut invited me to her house at 3PM so hopefully I will make that. In the meantime, I went to update my dream village as I hadn’t for a couple of days.

Over 500 now T~T Thank you whoever has visited!

I managed to make it just in time for my meeting at Peanut’s house.

I didn’t stay too long though.

After that, I just stopped at Rainy’s to drop off something for her and pick up the 4 Mermaid Tables she had for me! Thank you so much, Rainy T~T I hope you get another Treasure Chest soon <3 And that was it for today :3 Unfortunately, it looks like I won't be able to grab the Afternoon Tea Set until Wednesday. T__T And it was the item I've been looking forward to the most...

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