Days 205 + 206

Posted by: | on December 30, 2013

Due to allergies being so awful and my sleeping being a mess, I haven’t been playing too much. Hoping by the New Year, it’ll be a lot better… speaking of which, New Year’s Eve is tomorrow!

It’s the last event of the year and the last item varies per region event of the year!

Regardless, I’m mostly looking forward to April… Cherry Blossom Season <3 And at the end of the month, I will finally unlock my topiary 😐 I did get an interesting message from Molly though--I was going back to tell her I buried her Time Capsule and she pinged me and then told me I had the (I forget the word she used--but more or less automatic) ability to make people happy and then said this:
I’m not sure what caused it, but it made me feel all warm and fuzzy, Wish I was able to grab the first part. It just threw me off completely since I never had that happen before.

Besides that, I went to Jessie’s Town for Islanding 😀


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