I messed up for nothing.

Posted by: | on March 2, 2019

One of the requests I get the most is if I’ll update my Dream Suite. In all honesty, it surprises me people still want to visit, but it’s a nice feeling. Regardless, no matter how many times I replied to people or answered, it’d end up popping up again.

So, I decided, I’d make a video to show why. That way, people can direct questions there or find a video with the info they’re looking for.

Only… I screwed up. My game was set at April 7th, 2015 and I, not having written down the year for some reason, set it to April 7th, 2016.

I can’t really describe the initial dread I felt when Isabelle said how long it’s been. For one, this meant the hair would be messed up for all characters which is infuriating because sliders suck. I hate having to use sliders in this game. It’s incredibly nervewracking. The other reason, of course, is the moving mechanic.

By SOME miracle, nobody moved and while Flurry was tempted to, I stopped her. Unfortunately, there was the Dandelion issue… I thankfully had a spare fluffy Dandelion, but I didn’t have any other yellow ones… A huge thank you to Bianca who gave me one ;~;

I will say it’s nice that friendship never really goes away–it just pauses.

It’s generally how I am with friendship so I guess if anyone I know is reading this and we haven’t spoken for a while, don’t worry and feel free to say Hi whenever.

However, when I went to update the Dream Suite, well…

My Dream Address actually hasn’t changed at all… So I have no idea why it isn’t working for people sometimes… So I spent… ~7 hours on this now and I just… .________.

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