Day 65
Posted by: Jennifer | on August 11, 2013
Re-tail Sign: Horse Mackerel
Turnips: Sunday! So Joan is selling today.
First thing I did today was rush off to McDonald’s to pick up a Pumpkin Pie.
It is NOT reorderable so if you can, definitely head to a Nintendo Zone near you to pick up one if you are in North America! I had also gotten quite a bit of mail–a painting for Rainy, a camera from Katie, and a Number 4 Lamp from Julian (yay!).
If that wasn’t enough, Phineas was in town!
Yaaaaay <3 Finally, the Gold Catalog badge! For the record, I have 2,556 items catalogged at the moment 😀 Rainy also visited to pick up a painting I had for her and I visited Ruu to drop off a Pumpkin Pie. She gave me a 7-11 Set T~T <3 Thank you, Ruu! <3
Mikayla also came over to pick up her pie :3 And we did some minigames.
I was then invited over by Fieryone for Fireworks :3
And after that, I went to visit some Dream Villages <3
Dream Address: 5500-2238-3232 – Peony Village
Dream Address: 3000-0845-9227 – Glitch Village – To be honest, I’m not a big fan of glitches. If it’s accidental, fine, but I’ve never been too fond of purposely breaking the map without reason. Regardless, I was told about this town and I felt a desire to check it out.
I guess you can say the fountains and gold roses on the plaza say enough. Wonder what happens during events.
…I feel like I should be concerned.
It’s like I found the remains of a lost city.
…Some more lost than others.
…I want a triple fountain 🙁 Anyway, to get a full idea of this town, I made a highlight and uploaded it to Youtube:
Dream Address: Forgot to check (accidentally hit random town), but Town name is Red Bank
Dream Address: 2100-2523-4005 – Liverpool Town / Lonely Village – I don’t even know how you could get just one villager.
Must be nice to not have to worry about everything being murdered though.
Dream Address: 3200-1562-9686 – Q10 Village – The house placement T___T
Dream Address: 5500-2538-0420 – Sanity Village
Coincidentally, I just finished Mirai Nikki/Future Diary not long ago. Hi Yuno.
Anyway, I then headed to Matt’s to drop stuff off for one of his friends. After that, I had to do an express move as Diana decided she wanted to move from Bellton. I really hate express moving–makes me feel bad. But it’d be worse trying to get these villagers again ><
Saying good bye to Jeremiah.
And inviting Diana to move in…
However, it was then I noticed something new on the bulletin board and well..
…I don’t really feel like I deserved it though 🙁
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