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Day 43

Video Log: Twitch Part 1, Twitch Part 2
Re-tail Sign: Walker Cicada
Turnips: AM: 55 Bells | PM: 74 Bells

So today was an early start as the weather stinks here lately. Regardless, I had mail waiting for me from Miranda due to visiting her house yesterday. She gave me a Blue Corner. Also, my stump trees had grown again so it was time to try once more…

Round 1: Fail 🙁

…and then I decided to test something.

Test succeeded, but Round 2: Fail:

Normally, I wouldn’t restart but getting Silver Axes sucks and I’m really getting annoyed at trying this…
Round 3: Butterfly -_-
Round 4: Redd’s Leaf
Round 5: Butterfly
Round 6: Redd’s Leaf
Round 7: Butterfly

…okay, this is ridiculous. Only 2/6 patterns are rare and the fact that I just keep getting one of those two seems really really odd. At this point, I just gave up, dug it up, and replanted :/

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