The update!!
Posted by: Jennifer | on November 2, 2016
So, the update is officially out and I was not ready for this at all. While I DID think there was a chance for this to happen, I kind of thought maybe not as the cards were coming out later for Europe and especially the US, but nooope. It came out today and just I feel so overwhelmed already.
There is still so much I need to figure out, such as:
1. Getting the Lamp for Wisp
2. Unlocking Lottie to get the design course (which I’m guessing will happen after the storage upgrade)
3. Keeping track of what items are exclusive to HHD so I don’t waste my coupons
4. More info on what to do FOR coupons. I swear you could see a list of it from what I saw in the direct, but maybe not? Oh, wait, I found it–in your little ID card thing. SEE WHAT I MEAN ABOUT BEING OVERWHELMED.
There’s definitely a lot of items I really want such as the Tea Set. I already linked my Happy Home Designer game with New Leaf (WHICH WAS INCREDIBLY STRESSFUL) so now to just continue working on things.
My date is currently set in April so I’m debating on trying to catch it up after I update my Dream Suite later. We’ll have to see…
She’s back! & A little on the upcoming update
Posted by: Jennifer | on September 1, 2016
So, thanks to some help from a friend, Marcie has finally returned:
I’m just really happy she’s back and we’re back to 10 villagers again. Even though there hasn’t really been any changes, I’m hoping to do a Dream Suite update sometime soon once I finish watering flowers. So many flowers 🙁
There was also a Nintendo Direct today which I will be talking about in much more detail over on my main site, but I will talk a little bit here too. Besides confirming more on the update (and a special version of New Leaf including it will be out later this year), a special direct for Animal Crossing will also be out this Fall. I wouldn’t be surprised if it included the mobile game as well. Japan’s direct gave a date of November 2nd for it so I’m expecting that same day here as well as the Directs have usually been the same day lately.
The new Amiibo cards look amazing though and I really hope I can get all 50. It’s supposed to be all Villagers that didn’t make it into New Leaf and so these are some of my favorites:
Though, I will admit that if some get in, I may end up wanting to switch some of my villagers… We already know Ellie is, but I think Megumi, Stella, and Carmen would be the ones most tempting–I really love my current villagers though.
The cards come out December 2nd in North America, but actually come out the 3rd in Japan (a day after the scheduled Direct) and the 11th in Europe… not sure why the US has such a large delay, but I feel like the update may be the same day as or the day after the special Animal Crossing Direct so it’ll be a while before we get the new cards for it… So sick of the US being delayed like this 🙁
An update to the game? And a quick visit to Nintendo village once more!
Posted by: Jennifer | on July 20, 2016
So, here I was up late because allergies and just minding my own business when the official Splatoon twitter posts this followed by the official Animal Crossing twitter with these posts. Those are new villagers. New Callie and Marie themed villagers. Plus items. First I thought, new DLC for Happy Home Designer? We’ve seen new villagers put in that way and gotten items that way as well. That’d make sense, right? (And would be pretty cool, honestly)
But then I realized the website is the one for New Leaf and actually, this is the New Leaf DLC and special towns page (which also mentioned an update to the Nintendo village which happened earlier this month so that is why we are taking a trip there too). From what I could tell, there is an update coming this fall that adds new features and Amiibo functionality. Besides hinting about villager cosplay, we also see Marshall being used to get or turned into Wisp? (Or maybe a different ghost?) It is Wisp! And it seems he cues the Amiibo tapping. And yes, it seems you can summon villagers to move into your town using the Amiibo cards (which is amazing and something I expected to happen for future games–not in an update to New Leaf). Not to mention other cool collaboration things…
I’m really curious about it and excited, but also nervous as I just finished my goals and if any of it is time-oriented, I’ll need to play over a year’s worth of gameplay and hope nobody moves. That is kind of terrifying.
But yes, until we learn more (and I sure hope we get this update unlike the Style Savvy 2 update that was Japan only, considering the English twitter mentioned it as well, we should be good!), I’m going to just try and stay positive. At the very least, considering it does come out in Fall, I do find it will be very likely it will be connected in some way to the mobile Animal Crossing game we’ll be getting.
Now, onto Nintendo village! As always, the address is 0000-0100-0017:
I also made one small stop to one other village at 2700-0204-3412, so here are some pictures from there too:
I DID IT! The Final Badge! Yay!
Posted by: Jennifer | on June 5, 2016
So, after nearly three years, I finally got all gold badges! I’m so happy.
But yes, let’s get to these lovely lines from Phineas…
You can also watch me talking to Phineas with this lovely highlight from the stream I did today! (A link to the full stream is in the description of the video)
And to finish it off… All of the lovely badges:
And my final playtime:
Yay! With that, the game is finally finished for me. Catalog complete, town done, all gold badges… Everything is finished. I might still play time to time to play with friends and/or do Dream Suite stuff, but for now, I can finally relax 🙂 And also get back to Happy Home Designer!
Master Angler achieved!
Posted by: Jennifer | on May 28, 2016
After catching at least 422 extra fish, I finally got the Fishing badge from Phineas:
Now, I just have Diving left. According to my count, I have 778 left to catch. Hopefully I can do it!