October, 2013

now browsing by month


Also Home Showcase stuff!

I’m not entirely sure if any of these are the new Spotpass–I’ve tried not to look due to being sad about not having my 3DS so…

I think nearly every house in there is yellow at the moment so when I feel up to it, I really should stream them…

Day 139/140

So, while I’m still not feeling too well and all my villagers are already asleep, I did pop on for a friend who had a surprise for me.

TONS AND TONS OF WEEDS. 😀 This should hopefully get me very close to my gold weeding badge so I’m really excited!

Good news, Bad news

So, I’m happy to say my 3DS is back! So expect pictures again soon 😀

Unfortunately, allergies are incredibly awful this week and I haven’t even had the energy to play (thus, no entry yesterday) as I’m more or less running on empty. If they get better later, I shall hopefully write something up–otherwise later this weekend.

At the very least, I’m sure I’ll play Sunday regardless–I just hope I feel a lot better soon.

Day 138

Nothing was really going on at all today O-o Nobody even had favors which was kind of weird. Also a random letter from Julian. No special guests either.

Thus, I just spent time fishing/bug catching randomly today to work towards those first few badges…

I did eventually end up having Cookie wanting to play Hide and Seek along with Diana and Molly so that was fun.

EEE! Phineas was in town!

But… I love balloons T~T

Yay for another gold badge! Totally not the one I was expecting though…