October, 2013

now browsing by month


Day 137

This is a bit of an odd feeling for me as it’s the first time I’ve actually gone somewhere without my main 3DS since I got it during the midnight launch in NYC. It’s an odd feeling–and not in a good way. Of course, this also means I’ve been getting a bunch of Street Passes… I’ve never gotten so many while working upstate before. I’m guessing it’s due to being near a hot spot, but that just makes it a bit more depressing.

Anyway, not too much happened ingame today, but I did make an official instagram for my town as suggested. I hope people like it.

I will slowly be uploading pictures all day <3

Day 136

So, quick break-down of today since I didn’t really play long due to mood still being down:
1. 3 Letters–one from Molly, one from Peanut, and one from Mom. Molly gave me her picture.
2. Cookie wanted me to deliver a package to Peanut.
3. Marina tried to move. I stopped her.
4. I swear Julian slided into the window of view… even though I’m pretty sure villagers can’t slide in BUT I SWEAR HE DID.
5. Nobody else wanted anything.

Day 135

Today will be an even shorter entry than usual due to still being down from the previous entry I had to write. For those wondering about my 3DS, no, I do not know when it’ll be back–I just know that the person has a lot of orders and stuff so yeah. I just hope it’ll be soon. 🙁

Anyway, Molly asked if I wanted a new nickname–I said no. She also invited me to her house. Meanwhile, Merengue wanted me to deliver something to Marcie. And that was it. Nobody else wanted anything.

Besides that, I had a Camper today: Baabara the Snooty Sheep.

And that was pretty much it. What took the longest was waiting for Merengue to stop fishing so I could tell her I delivered the package…

PSA: Copying is not okay.

You go and you see something you REALLY like. It’s beautiful–it’s what you wanted. So what do you do? GET INSPIRED. Use that to inspire you to make something in your own way. Maybe “I really like the positioning of this” or “I think these look really nice here” and things like that is okay.

But when you take everything–from the layout to the placements to the names of characters to the interiors to the exteriors to everyone in town and use all of it and act like it’s yours… that is not okay. That is copying. That’s not being inspired. That’s not flattery. That’s being rude and telling the creator who you apparently liked so much that what they did is nothing because now it’s yours. That is NOT okay. In fact, it gets CREEPY at that point.

That is NEVER okay. EVER.

Not everyone is artistic enough to be able to make patterns completely from scratch–so they show their ability in a different way. By using what they have to make something beautiful. But it’s still artistic. It’s still creative–it’s just a different way. It’s an idea that is placed and shown–not something to be taken and thrown elsewhere.

You don’t plant a garden in hopes that all your neighbors will plant the exact same flowers the exact same way–an exact copy. You do it in hopes to inspire someone to maybe be like “A garden like that is nice–maybe I should plant some flowers”. Not take everything.

I don’t really have anything else to say–not sure if there is anything else I CAN say other than that it’s the first time I’ve felt this disappointed in years.

Day 134

It was overcast again today–and actually hit me that Isabelle is wearing her Fall/Winter clothes now. I’m sure she has for a while, but it only dawned on me now.

I had a letter from Julian thanking me for the shirts and also a letter from Diana.

Regardless, today was the slowest in a while. None of my villagers wanted anything :/ At least Julian changed his shirt back though.