Changes & Things
Posted by: Jennifer | on November 24, 2016
So, most of my hopes with catching up in Animal Crossing have been on hold with Pokemon Moon’s release. While I have had a lot of mixed feelings on the games, I still have a lot I want to finish with Moon before I get back to Animal Crossing. I don’t know entirely when I will finish (maybe sometime in December), but until then, here’s some things that have happened recently.
One of the main things is thanks to so many people letting me catalog stuff, my catalog is once again complete! I don’t know if I will add all the new items into my checklist on here just yet (especially as so many of the new items don’t actually show up or are incredibly glitchy such as the Sanrio Clocks and TVs–I have some in my catalog and not others despite using the items and clearly having picked them up), but I’m happy to be finished with it.
While I haven’t succeeded too much in the moving my date along to catch it back up, I’m currently in October and have been doing various changes along the way to some of the rooms in the house. One of the nice things though is I did get to briefly see my Hydrangeas in bloom:
They’re the Bush that is planted the most around town, but don’t stick around very long.
Going to some of the changes around town, well…
I love the new models in this update. I just wish I could place patterns in rooms like I could in HHD so I could actually place Kapp’n on the River as it just doesn’t look as nice as it could.
I then had the very hard decision between Hot Chocolate or Tea:
I did go with the Tea Cup, but I love Hot Chocolate too.
And I got two of my favorite items from HHD:
The Fancy Tea Set and Cheese 😀 I love that Cheese plate. That is one nice selection of cheese.
The Decoy Duck also made a return:
And I got the Desert Island Good-luck Charm!
The room that got the biggest update was the trophy room:
I really wish I didn’t have to remove as many items as I did though. The item limit breaks my heart :/
Also, while I’m using the Gold Tea Set for now, I am debating on maybe using the Pink one:
I’d use both, but the item limit is also painful in the Kitchen so bleh.
Finally, thanks to Ruu, I was able to visit Filly!
I ordered a few things I wanted to actually have for rooms versus just catalogging :3 Everything IS translated, so hopefully we may see her in the future… but I wouldn’t be surprised if the items are removed again like what they did in Happy Home Designer….
And sadly, I hate to end on this kind of note, but just incase anything else like this happens…. Ignoring that I don’t go on Club Tortimer much anymore (or the island in general–after all that badge grinding, I’ve long been done with it), I will usually be wearing either my usual pink dress + a Detective Hat OR the Crown I usually wear (for when I forget to switch it or am just planning to check store items and not play anything). If not my pink dress, the only other thing I tend to wear is a Pink Wet Suit.
Similarly, this is my ID and I have all gold badges.
If the IDs don’t match up, that’s a quick clear indicator.
Finally, incase of Dream Suite issues. My town can not be found searching for Pink Sea. If any towns come up by searching Pink Sea, it isn’t mine. This is because when I started playing ACNL, my touchscreen was actually broken and I had to use a weird ‘a’ to name it Pink Sea. Thus, searching normally will not get it to show up (Your best bet is searching for Seamstry if you really want a quick search versus entering the Dream address). I do recommend using my dream address though as the last time things like this happened, Seamstry’s name was copied for a Villager too :/
Town Anniversary Event
Posted by: Jennifer | on November 10, 2016
As most of you may know, I’ve been trying to get my date back to normal. It’s been going pretty poorly and I only finally hit June today… of 2015 still. I’ve gotten about 2 months along so far and hopefully I can start picking the pace up a bit. Regardless, I ended up hitting the anniversary of my town (even if it is technically a year behind) and a new Special Event triggered. It’s really cute, though, I had gotten my hopes up for all 10 of my Villagers showing up due to Isabelle’s dialogue when it wasn’t even close to that… Not to mention a random special villager seems to show up as well (besides Isabelle :P) which also caught me off-guard. Despite those issues, it’s genuinely a very cute event:
And the item you get is absolutely adorable:
I’m looking forward to see if there are any differences when I end up triggering it again as I make my way to November 2016.
Redecorating and having fun!~
Posted by: Jennifer | on November 7, 2016
Right now, besides getting items for my catalog, I’ve been doing various adjustments to all many of the rooms on each of my villagers. Most are receiving very small changes:
But a few have gotten some bigger changes thanks to the lovely Sanrio items someone was nice enough to give me!:
The Sanrio items are ADORABLE and I really love a lot of them. The outfits are so cute too:
I definitely want to find more places to put them, but I’m especially happy with Emi’s sky room. I feel like a lot of people missed the theme with that one a bit and I feel it’s a lot more apparent now. I think I’m going to add the Kiki and Lala Clock to the room too. I also think the My Melody Dress is perfect for Seamstry and looks way better than the Maid Dress did.
I’ve also updated another museum room:
Besides that, I have been working on more of the minigame playing. I’ve managed to get two items from Desert Island Escape so far and even several items from Puzzle League after finally finishing it:
On a different note, there’s just so many new small charming things in the game, like bird feeding:
It’s so so so cute. Plus the dancing at the Bonfire:
And Harvey’s set-up in the rain:
It’s just so much fun to discover new little things again.
I have been trying to scan in more Amiibo occasionally too. The monster hunter stuff seems especially popular:
And a friend scanned in Timmy & Tommy:
So much to do T~T
Posted by: Jennifer | on November 4, 2016
These entries are now cross-posted to my main site as well 🙂
First up, I took some time to try the new puzzle league mode.
I… really don’t like Puzzle League. Unfortunately, there are items attached to it and I kind of really want to beat the story mode. Of the items, I want the Nintendo 3DS ones (The Station and Display), the Flower Fairy Boots, and the Flower Fairy Wand the most. I wouldn’t mind the Flower Fairy dress and wig too though.
I can’t even beat the second stage and my score for the first minigame in Puzzle League is terrible.
Essentially, to get all the items you need to finish story mode, get a lot of combos, and get fairly high scores in each of the minigames (You can find more details Here) and I just am failing miserably at it. I don’t even consider games like these puzzle games. Puzzle games to me are like… Professor Layton–not this 🙁
Island Escape also apparently has items tied to it–11 of them (though, nobody has figured out what. Similarly, there are apparently about 775 new items in the game now. I’m stressing, for the record). I’ll probably be putting a lot of time into this because at least I’m not completely awful at it.
In the meantime, I’ve moved my Catalog list over here as it’s just quicker to update and then it’s right on the homepage. But yes, going over to other things done…
I took a stop to Nintendo’s New Dream Village which you can visit at 0000-000F-4241. It was so nice to see so many of the new items and villagers so just a few of the (many) photos I took:
I also love how Wisp takes place of characters when they are camping:
As you can probably tell, I brought Celeste in for her lovely bow:
Finally, there are now anniversary gifts–I love how nice the model tree looks in my Model room:
I look forward to when I get there as I [slowly] fix my date.
The Catalogging Journey
Posted by: Jennifer | on November 3, 2016
So, after playing a bit and slowly working on advancing my date to the current time, I’ve essentially made up my mind on my current big goal: Catalogging all the new items. I know they can’t be reordered and honestly, most I don’t even want. My current mini goal is trying to get a Dachshund (Fortune #55) and all the other 3DS’ (which I believe are not through Fortune Cookies). If anyone has a Dachshund they’d be willing to sell/give me, please let me know. Similarly, if anyone is willing to let me catalog stuff (Pick it up and drop it back down), also let me know! I love completing my catalog and it’s a big deal to me, honestly.
I know of these items from the Fortune Cookies so far:
51: Wii U console
52: Wii U console (Black) – Still need (Mostly just want to catalog)
53: Chihuahua Ornament
54: Dalmatian Ornament
55: Dachshund Ornament – Still need (Will be putting in Trophy room)
56: Labrador Ornament
57: New Nintendo 3DS – Currently being remade:
I plan to put it in my Mayor’s bedroom. I have no idea if there are items past 57 though–I have yet to hear of anyone getting 58 or higher.
There’s so many unique items in Happy Home Designer so I have no idea how many they brought over, but wow do I hate the MEOW tickets. I think they are fun goals in the game, but not all of them are ones people will do (Sorry, but I’m not changing my exterior and due to my Ordinance, I CAN’T fish out trash) and you can’t actually earn enough to get both items Harvey sells and any RV items you may want each day. That sucks. I wish I could turn some of my bells into coupons because, while I understand why they probably did this, my bells continue to have even less use. Literally the only thing I had to use them for was already paid off for all four of my villagers.
That said, people have been super helpful and thus, I got a few items already that I really wanted:
I’m keeping an eye out for the Tea set I really liked from HHD as I’d love to put that in my room (possibly both the living room and the bedroom). I’ll miss the Clover book, but at least I still have one in Seamstry’s house.
When I switched forward one day to have my lovely store room (as I’ve been holding music for a friend for his town and just desperately need the room), Wisp showed up nearly immediately so I wonder if he has to be the next day after you’ve started up since the update:
I love his lamp in this game.
Finally, I tried out the new camera option briefly:
A dance party was the best I could come up with 😛
And just a note on the seminar from Lottie (and other HHD things)…
I wish we could still put items inbetween squares. I can understand ceiling items not being in (though, I would have loved if I could have my chandelier ;~; ), but I really wish they added in the new emotes from HHD and the more flexibleness with items. I guess that wasn’t possible though.
Also, I’m still super surprised by the RV Campsite’s location:
While it isn’t terrible (just kind of awkward), I think it would have been better next to the museum–just a ramp going off from there. I don’t know if I’ll add any path addition towards it yet–it kind of looks okay with the flowers, but we will have to see.