Day 25
Posted by: Jennifer | on July 2, 2013
Video Log: Twitch Part 1, Twitch Part 2
Re-Tail Sign: Pop-eyed Goldfish
Turnips: AM: 80 Bells | PM: 161 Bells
Last night, I actually found a Lost Item…but since it was so late, I knew nearly everyone was asleep so I will be Detectiving it today instead.
So, the Nookling shop has officially remodeled! Which is nice, but the new hours kind of suck. I was greeted to quite a bit of a mail–nothing surprising though. I received a Globe from Katie.
Also, no rain! THANK GOD. My house is so much nicer without rain T~T
Let’s hope I can catch a Walking Leaf today (and a Scorpion tonight!)
I also picked up the Red Lily Player~
Ruby asked to come over…I scheduled her for 5PM incase I take a nap again during the day.
Fancy new store~
I had Gulliver today 😀
Poor Reese and Cyrus.
Anyway, he was heading to Peru–so I expect a Tapestry tomorrow.
Saying bye to Flip as he’s moving~
I made sure to stop by Brewster’s. Nobody was there today which was actually a bit of surprise.
I like to pretend it’s tea sometimes since I actually hate coffee. I normally can’t smell, but on the few occasions I can, the smell makes me want to gag >> I prefer Tea, Hot Chocolate, and Apple Cider for my hot drinks.
Unfortunately, walking around looking for fossils has made me aware that most of my trees (normal trees) were in the way so finding a Walking Leaf will be even harder… I need to plant some new trees but I need to build more projects first. ._.
Ruby asked for my first village-related petition 😀
Sleep-in Saturday @-@ …but what about Saturday morning cartoons? 🙁
It was after 12 so I met up with Shrunk.
Love joke!
I then stopped by over at Nookling’s town to drop off a Cat Tower :3
Thank you for the Shaved Ice Lamp! <3
Gave Cyrus an Exotic Wall Shelf to refurbish. Getting it done in red and black--I hope it's more red than black.
I didn’t get any new fossils but I did get an extra Apato Skull which means I just need the tail and then I can make the Apato Model! yay!
Pouch owner found!
She gave me a lantern.
Chananr then invited me over for a bit :3
I borrowed his villagers for petition signing.
Multiple Ruby’s. I’m just going to say the Nurse Joy/Officer Jenny/Anna situation is how Animal Crossing works too.
Ruby gave me a Wall-Mounted Speaker as Thanks.
I updated my Dream Village @-@ 77 visitors so far.
My house is officially as big as can be! Now if I can just make it how I want it to look… It was off to pay my final loan to Nook.
Lyle congratulated me too.
It was then off to Streetpass!
I met Bellsy and received bubbles from my boyfriend.
Kyle invited me over to his house. He said I could buy something, but he wouldn’t sell anything I cared about.
Picking up my fancy Exotic Wall Shelf~ It may not be more red, but it looks nice.
With less than an hour to go, I then went and did the “Save + Continue” trick to try and force a Walking Leaf to show up. I only have 4 normal trees right now so there aren’t many places for it to go but…
After at least 5 saves, it showed up! Yay! Now I just have the Scorpion to go and then I will be good this month.
Carina stopped by to help me finish up my Perfect Cherry Basket. Now the only fruit I don’t have a perfect basket of is Perfect Orange! Need one more for that.
She also bought some shoes and got her hair done. Chananr also stopped by to drop off a Snail Clock <3 Yaaay~
I then went to celebrate the Stone Tablet 😀
With another change of mind, I decided the Statue Fountain and Faceboards may look nicer together near the front of the map so after mapping things out, I finally placed my first faceboard.
I made sure to order a bunch of stuff before 5PM to use for the Toy Room and Kitchen. I really need to try looking through items so I can figure out what I want for it :/
I dropped off a Classic Wardrobe for Cyrus to refurbish. A mixture of Classic with some gorgeous and Rococo sounds like it could work for the trophy room so… …My HHA score is going to suck. v-v
Jessie came to visit and dropped off a Jukebox for me. Yay~ now the only player I still need is a Sweets Player.
The Toy Room is more or less complete!:
Picking up my Classic Wardrobe:
Then I went to Jessie’s town for a bit :3
I ended up partying at Cookie’s house for the most part.
I then did a quick trip to the island before I had to run out for a bit.
I did 2 quick runs to Club Tortimer. I didn’t see anyone on the first one I went to (though, supposedly someone was there), but Ammika was there on the second one. Unfortunately, I suddenly had to run to the store so we didn’t get to do much besides say Hi 🙁 Sorry I couldn’t stay longer, Ammika.
Anyway, upon getting back to the store, I went to my island. There wasn’t anything good in the shop, but I know I’ve been slacking off on minigames so I decided to go and do a few on the list to earn some medals.
1. Easy Hide-and-Seek Tour – 5:02 left on the clock – Gold (6 Medals)
2. Official Hide-and-Seek Tour – 5:06 left on the Clock – Gold (9 Medals)
3. Elite Hide-and-Seek Tour – 3:15 left on the Clock – Gold (13 Medals)
4. Easy Tropical Fishing Tour – 7 Fish – Gold (6 Medals)
After that, I went and caught some stuff to get the bells for the trips back. Too bad I won’t be able to sell them until tomorrow. It was then time for Scorpion hunting.
To my surprise….I somehow ran into Gulliver again? …umm…?
He was headed to Denmark so I’ll be receiving a Mermaid Princess in the mail… too bad I don’t need one.
After more saving an continuing… I DID IT!
I was actually really scared since it looked like it may charge me… but I did it! Yay! With that, July is DONE. WOO.
Thus, I went to the Club to celebrate.
I would’ve liked to order the Sakura Clock and Aurora screen for Eclipsed, but as usual–after that one expansion, the shop hours suck. They should increase them, not make them worse :/ *sighs* Oh well. That’s it for today!
Well, almost, I also did a quick Photo for my Passcard real quick too.
And then took a quick stop at Snoops’ town to pick up an Ammonite Fossil <3
And because apparently I get distracted, it was a very late Dream Suite visit XD I tried to do a random dream, but they still aren’t working so back to entering the address.
And a quick stop at the Happy Home Showcase…
I received a Blue Balloon, Strawberry Ice Cream, and and a Tweeter <3 And ordered some stuff.
I also stopped on Club Tortimer for a bit, but I don't think they wanted to do anything with me. ^^;
There wasn’t anyone on my second attempt though so I gave up. And that was really it 😛
My Day 2 for the Animal Crossing Photo a Day Challenge–“You at the Beach”:
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