Day 1

Posted by: | on June 8, 2013

Click for Video Log.
Re-Tail Sign: Pants
Turnips: AM: N/A | PM: 114 Bells

So, after the event, and well, actually during the last bit of the event, I ended up working on trying to get a town map I liked. In the end, I settled for the beach being the opposite side of what I wanted and am just hoping I can fit the fountain on this map. I do like it though.

Day 1 didn’t really go as planned. I didn’t expect to have as difficult a time that I did with my map (to the point where I gave up) and it was a lot more restrictive than I expected (why must I wait another day T~T).

But despite my plans getting a little haywire, I actually had a lot of fun. Zed surprised me with a visit to my town and several gifts which I really didn’t expect at all. And that was followed up by Rainy and Kanilee as well and just sal;ksf;kl;lksa OMGYOUGUYS T~T But seriously, thank you all. And I had so much fun playing on the island and it was just really really really awesome.

I mean, look at how cute I am now:

But yes, let’s go fully into details, shall we?

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The Event

Posted by: | on June 8, 2013

So, from 9AM to 1PM today the Nintendo World Store was having an event for Animal Crossing: New Leaf! From their site:

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Celebration – June 8th, from 9am to 1pm

There is a new mayor in town, and it’s you! We are hosting an Animal Crossing celebration Saturday, June 8th from 9am to 1pm. Our Club LOL DJ will be spinning tunes while you interact with our unique Animal Crossing environment; activities include fishing, bug catching, creating art and pictures in our towns photo booth. In addition here is your chance to purchase Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the Nintendo 3DS a day early. Both the game and the Animal Crossing 3DS XL bundle will only be available during event hours while supplies last, so don’t miss your chance to turn a new leaf into adventure.

Plus, lots of neat freebies for participating in the activities 🙂

So, a few more specific details:
The store was really nicely decorated both inside and out (although, not completely) and Animal Crossing music was playing throughout the store.

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Today’s the Day!

Posted by: | on June 8, 2013

So, in not too much longer, I will officially be lining up for the event at the Nintendo World Store in New York City. I’m really looking forward to the event as it sounds like a lot of fun–my only regret is I haven’t had a chance to really rest before it.

I may try getting the map I want ahead of time, but I will probably not play much more until I get home so I can stream and record everything. I also won a guide book from The BellTree Forums which I am super excited for.

As for preparations and things, I’ve done a whole slew of memes and surveys over on Tumblr–although, while I have finished them all, I still need to work on the artwork for the New Leaf Art Challenge. The answers are there though at least!

Moving on, I do plan to take pictures of the event 🙂 And will probably have a little “pre-day” entry before the official Day 1 Entry. I’m super excited! <3 I have all but 2 patterns remade too 😀 So I'm pretty much as ready as can be!

So close!

Posted by: | on May 7, 2013

Animal Crossing: New Leaf is only a little over a month away–unless you were one of the lucky people to get into the Mayor’s Program in which you’ve probably been playing for about a week and I will envy forever.

Regardless, I’m not as planned as I’d like to be. I still need to work on remaking all these patterns and just have no clue where to begin. Working from a 3D model is hard enough–especially without being able to see where certain lines are formed so I don’t know if I can attempt them until I have the game which is kind of depressing.

I have studied up on the game extensively–I can easily tell if a painting is fake, I know everything I want, best ways to earn money, the kind of map I hope to aim for… I’m ready for it 🙁 So really, the only problem is not having the patterns set to go. Really hate that QR codes are locked. I can’t express that enough. That is probably one of my few complaints.

Despite not updating too much post-wise though, I have been doing the 100 Day Countdown everyday along with updating a few of the sections of the site–most often the art section. I have added some stuff to goals though @-@ Mostly to keep track of the DLC as I don’t expect the guide to update with all that. I hope it at least has the region holiday exclusives–both sold during the holiday period and those given however.

Anyway, I have pre-ordered the guide for Animal Crossing (Both the eGuide and the actual guide)–I wish it was released earlier so I could get the catalog and goal pages up ahead of time, but alas, it can’t be released until June 9th 🙁

Normally I wouldn’t get an eGuide, but I figure that will be a lot more helpful when it comes to updating everything rather than trying to flip through the pages while having the guide in real life will obviously be helpful whenever I’m not at the computer (Of course, I could always bring up the eGuide on my 3DS’ internet browser as well–yay for options!).

Overall though, while I am super excited about the game, several things/people have been getting me down. I want to stay positive and give focused on my excitement for the game, but due to some people along with the pattern problem (seriously, why are they locked T__T), I can’t help but feel a bit depressed about it too. I just wish I had a good pick-me up ._.

Countdown to Release

Posted by: | on March 24, 2013