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Days 183, 184, and 185
Due to work, I haven’t really played too much, but I’m still trying to pop in and check on my villagers. The notice about a blizzard has popped up so snow should be on the ground tomorrow! I picked up some of my flowers in preparation for snowballs 😀 I’m very excited.
Besides that, Flurry is sadly sick 🙁 And I’m still constantly paranoid about possible move outs…
Edit: Apparently Flurry being sick glitched things out… She asked for her time capsule back when I spoke to her to give her medicine and while I dug it back up, I’m not given the prompt to give it to her…
Edit 2: Also, StreetPass/SpotPass!:
Day 181 and 182
I really didn’t end up playing much yesterday due to lots of craziness, so I just popped on to take my photo for the TBT Daily Challenge. We’re up to Day 6 now (Days switch over at 6PM EST–about 11 hours from now). And yes, even though I know the challenges, I only do them after they are announced 😛
There’s still 8 challenges to go 😀
Regardless, today is Naughty or Nice day in European games and Chananr went and opened his gates and due to lots of stuff I plan to get done, I loaded my game up and headed to the train station 😀 On the way, I stopped Marina from moving who apparently decided 2 days ago–I can not complain enough about the moving in this game. Seriously, I think they pop up more than I ran into Zubat in Pokemon. ANYWAY BACK TO THE ORIGINAL START OF THIS SENTENCE…. Naughty or Nice Day today! Yay!
For those who are unaware, it involves leaving out a shoe or sock and waking up the next day with it filled with goodies :3 It’s kind of like the parent of Christmas stockings.
Isabelle was in the plaza 😀
And the faceboard is adorable!
<3 <3 <3
Day 180
So, I didn’t do much today. I did have a camper though.
And also Redd was in town today (although, with nothing helpful). Besides that, I got the rest of the information from Molly for what she wants for Toy Day (and updated my last post accordingly) and now I should be good even if I don’t get anymore information.
Day 178
It was snowing again today!
So exciting T~T (and I may have mistaken Flurry for a Snowman for a second)
I also had a Camper.
Hi Bruce.
Anyway, besides running around constantly in the snow, I then headed to the HHA to see if there was a SpotPass house today.
I was correct! And it seems like we’re inverted twins… (For those who do not speak French, she is saying Life is Beautiful) I then headed over to check out her house.
It was a nice and fairly organized house for the most part. It seemed fairly complete besides the upstairs.
After that, I headed to Dream Suite as the European/PAL Nintendo Dream Village had updated for the Winter holidays. I was excited to take a look.
Dream Address: 7900-2106-3477 – Nintendo Village (PAL)
SO MANY CUTE SIGNS. And the gems around paths! AND SO PRETTY. And I love the music when it is snowing.
It’s only the one house and the map being covered by snow (with some signs and stuff) for the most part change-wise. They still have some of their traditional Mario/Luigi stuff and the same Halloween things up (ignoring the map for the latter) if you haven’t seen those yet :3 Wondering if I should switch to the Winter Coat design I have for the month or not…
Seeing all those Pine Trees though really makes me want to plant some more… Unfortunately, I don’t have any clue on where I should place some more 🙁