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Days 183, 184, and 185

Due to work, I haven’t really played too much, but I’m still trying to pop in and check on my villagers. The notice about a blizzard has popped up so snow should be on the ground tomorrow! I picked up some of my flowers in preparation for snowballs 😀 I’m very excited.

Besides that, Flurry is sadly sick 🙁 And I’m still constantly paranoid about possible move outs…

Edit: Apparently Flurry being sick glitched things out… She asked for her time capsule back when I spoke to her to give her medicine and while I dug it back up, I’m not given the prompt to give it to her…

Edit 2: Also, StreetPass/SpotPass!:

Day 181 and 182

I really didn’t end up playing much yesterday due to lots of craziness, so I just popped on to take my photo for the TBT Daily Challenge. We’re up to Day 6 now (Days switch over at 6PM EST–about 11 hours from now). And yes, even though I know the challenges, I only do them after they are announced 😛

There’s still 8 challenges to go 😀

Regardless, today is Naughty or Nice day in European games and Chananr went and opened his gates and due to lots of stuff I plan to get done, I loaded my game up and headed to the train station 😀 On the way, I stopped Marina from moving who apparently decided 2 days ago–I can not complain enough about the moving in this game. Seriously, I think they pop up more than I ran into Zubat in Pokemon. ANYWAY BACK TO THE ORIGINAL START OF THIS SENTENCE…. Naughty or Nice Day today! Yay!

For those who are unaware, it involves leaving out a shoe or sock and waking up the next day with it filled with goodies :3 It’s kind of like the parent of Christmas stockings.

Isabelle was in the plaza 😀

And the faceboard is adorable!

<3 <3 <3

Day 180

So, I didn’t do much today. I did have a camper though.

And also Redd was in town today (although, with nothing helpful). Besides that, I got the rest of the information from Molly for what she wants for Toy Day (and updated my last post accordingly) and now I should be good even if I don’t get anymore information.

Day 179

Today, I mostly spent time furthering my Toy Day research. I know they can give one fact a day and I managed to get some last night… unfortunately, today has not gone nearly as well.

Merengue – Home Appliance
Diana – Colorful Carpet – Kiddie Carpet
Marina – Plants
Maple – Carpet
Peanut – Red Lamp – Polka-dot Lamp
Cookie – Purple Doll – Papa Panda
Molly – Colorful Umbrella – Gelato Umbrella
Marcie – Clothing
Flurry – Doll
Julian – Black Wallpaper – Sleek Wall

Marcie just told me she wanted clothing again… and Maple has been the only one to tell me anything today. Shall have to keep trying though. Will update as I get them to tell me more.

I also planted a few things–most of it grew in too so I’m pretty excited. Hoping the other two things I planted today will grow in as well *PLANNING* 😀 There’s also a Meteor Shower in my town tonight, but I don’t know if I’ll actually be playing for it.

Edit: Got what color Cookie wants! That finishes her gift. Marina sadly just said the same thing she did yesterday like Marcie.

Edit 2: Flurry also wants a doll.

Edit 3: Julian wants Wallpaper which finishes him off.

Edit 4: Peanut wants a lamp which finishes her off.

Edit 5: Merengue wants a Home Appliance. Just Diana and Molly left to get to talk to me today. Then tomorrow, I need to get Marina, Maple, Marcie, Molly, Merengue, and Flurry to give me more information–possibly Diana as well if I am unlucky today 🙁

Edit 6: Molly wants something colorful. Now to just find Diana.

Edit 7: After who knows how long, I finally got Diana to show up in the main village map. She finished off her gift 😀 So yay. Even if I don’t get anymore information from people, I should almost be able to figure out what they want now from the gifts I am given to hand out on Toy Day. Only one I really need more information for now is Molly’s (unless there’s only one Colorful gift left after I hand out the ones I know for sure).

Day 178

It was snowing again today!

So exciting T~T (and I may have mistaken Flurry for a Snowman for a second)

I also had a Camper.

Hi Bruce.

Anyway, besides running around constantly in the snow, I then headed to the HHA to see if there was a SpotPass house today.

I was correct! And it seems like we’re inverted twins… (For those who do not speak French, she is saying Life is Beautiful) I then headed over to check out her house.

It was a nice and fairly organized house for the most part. It seemed fairly complete besides the upstairs.

After that, I headed to Dream Suite as the European/PAL Nintendo Dream Village had updated for the Winter holidays. I was excited to take a look.
Dream Address: 7900-2106-3477 – Nintendo Village (PAL)

SO MANY CUTE SIGNS. And the gems around paths! AND SO PRETTY. And I love the music when it is snowing.



It’s only the one house and the map being covered by snow (with some signs and stuff) for the most part change-wise. They still have some of their traditional Mario/Luigi stuff and the same Halloween things up (ignoring the map for the latter) if you haven’t seen those yet :3 Wondering if I should switch to the Winter Coat design I have for the month or not…

Seeing all those Pine Trees though really makes me want to plant some more… Unfortunately, I don’t have any clue on where I should place some more 🙁