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Posted by: Jennifer | on March 2, 2019
I messed up for nothing.
One of the requests I get the most is if I’ll update my Dream Suite. In all honesty, it surprises me people still want to visit, but it’s a nice feeling. Regardless, no matter how many times I replied to people or answered, it’d end up popping up again.
So, I decided, I’d make a video to show why. That way, people can direct questions there or find a video with the info they’re looking for.
Only… I screwed up. My game was set at April 7th, 2015 and I, not having written down the year for some reason, set it to April 7th, 2016.
I can’t really describe the initial dread I felt when Isabelle said how long it’s been. For one, this meant the hair would be messed up for all characters which is infuriating because sliders suck. I hate having to use sliders in this game. It’s incredibly nervewracking. The other reason, of course, is the moving mechanic.
By SOME miracle, nobody moved and while Flurry was tempted to, I stopped her. Unfortunately, there was the Dandelion issue… I thankfully had a spare fluffy Dandelion, but I didn’t have any other yellow ones… A huge thank you to Bianca who gave me one ;~;
I will say it’s nice that friendship never really goes away–it just pauses.
It’s generally how I am with friendship so I guess if anyone I know is reading this and we haven’t spoken for a while, don’t worry and feel free to say Hi whenever.
However, when I went to update the Dream Suite, well…
My Dream Address actually hasn’t changed at all… So I have no idea why it isn’t working for people sometimes… So I spent… ~7 hours on this now and I just… .________.
Posted in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Cookie, Daily Playthrough, Flurry, Maple, Villagers | Comments Off on I messed up for nothing.
Tags: Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Cookie, Daily Playthrough, Dream Address, Flurry, Maple
Posted by: Jennifer | on December 3, 2013
Day 179
Today, I mostly spent time furthering my Toy Day research. I know they can give one fact a day and I managed to get some last night… unfortunately, today has not gone nearly as well.
Merengue – Home Appliance
Diana – Colorful Carpet – Kiddie Carpet
Marina – Plants
Maple – Carpet
Peanut – Red Lamp – Polka-dot Lamp
Cookie – Purple Doll – Papa Panda
Molly – Colorful Umbrella – Gelato Umbrella
Marcie – Clothing
Flurry – Doll
Julian – Black Wallpaper – Sleek Wall
Marcie just told me she wanted clothing again… and Maple has been the only one to tell me anything today. Shall have to keep trying though. Will update as I get them to tell me more.
I also planted a few things–most of it grew in too so I’m pretty excited. Hoping the other two things I planted today will grow in as well *PLANNING* 😀 There’s also a Meteor Shower in my town tonight, but I don’t know if I’ll actually be playing for it.
Edit: Got what color Cookie wants! That finishes her gift. Marina sadly just said the same thing she did yesterday like Marcie.
Edit 2: Flurry also wants a doll.
Edit 3: Julian wants Wallpaper which finishes him off.
Edit 4: Peanut wants a lamp which finishes her off.
Edit 5: Merengue wants a Home Appliance. Just Diana and Molly left to get to talk to me today. Then tomorrow, I need to get Marina, Maple, Marcie, Molly, Merengue, and Flurry to give me more information–possibly Diana as well if I am unlucky today 🙁
Edit 6: Molly wants something colorful. Now to just find Diana.
Edit 7: After who knows how long, I finally got Diana to show up in the main village map. She finished off her gift 😀 So yay. Even if I don’t get anymore information from people, I should almost be able to figure out what they want now from the gifts I am given to hand out on Toy Day. Only one I really need more information for now is Molly’s (unless there’s only one Colorful gift left after I hand out the ones I know for sure).
Posted in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Cookie, Daily Playthrough, Diana, Events, Flurry, Julian, Maple, Marcie, Marina, Merengue, Molly, Peanut, Villagers | Comments Off on Day 179
Tags: Christmas, Cookie, Daily Playthrough, Diana, Events, Flurry, Julian, Maple, Marcie, Marina, Merengue, Molly, Peanut, Toy Day, Villagers
Posted by: Jennifer | on October 27, 2013
Day 142
Due to being sick and my sleeping all messed up because of it, it’s a bit of an odd hour to be playing AC. Most of my villagers will be heading to bed, so I tried to be quick with checking on them. My villagers were rather quiet, but I did end up running into Phineas!
It’s so true too >> I might calm down with it… but considering I keep checking any items on the floor when my catalog is already set…
Besides running into Phineas, I also had a new camper today:
Poppy <3
Since not much else ended up happening though, I decided I’d go and take some pictures with my villagers for fun.
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