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Day 26

Video Log: Twitch Part 1, Twitch Part 2
Re-Tail Sign: Carpet
Turnips: AM: 573 Bells | PM: 210 Bells

So, it was an early start today and to my surprise, I was greeted by Lyle (and rain–but this wasn’t so surprising.)

I decided to try–mostly as I don’t know if I’ll ever get 150K otherwise and figured I may have a better shot. So, I picked Fairy Tale.

That is like…what my character is made of.

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Day 25

Video Log: Twitch Part 1, Twitch Part 2
Re-Tail Sign: Pop-eyed Goldfish
Turnips: AM: 80 Bells | PM: 161 Bells

Last night, I actually found a Lost Item…but since it was so late, I knew nearly everyone was asleep so I will be Detectiving it today instead.

So, the Nookling shop has officially remodeled! Which is nice, but the new hours kind of suck. I was greeted to quite a bit of a mail–nothing surprising though. I received a Globe from Katie.

Also, no rain! THANK GOD. My house is so much nicer without rain T~T

Let’s hope I can catch a Walking Leaf today (and a Scorpion tonight!)

I also picked up the Red Lily Player~

Ruby asked to come over…I scheduled her for 5PM incase I take a nap again during the day.

Fancy new store~

I had Gulliver today 😀

Poor Reese and Cyrus.

Anyway, he was heading to Peru–so I expect a Tapestry tomorrow.

Saying bye to Flip as he’s moving~

I made sure to stop by Brewster’s. Nobody was there today which was actually a bit of surprise.

I like to pretend it’s tea sometimes since I actually hate coffee. I normally can’t smell, but on the few occasions I can, the smell makes me want to gag >> I prefer Tea, Hot Chocolate, and Apple Cider for my hot drinks.

Unfortunately, walking around looking for fossils has made me aware that most of my trees (normal trees) were in the way so finding a Walking Leaf will be even harder… I need to plant some new trees but I need to build more projects first. ._.

Ruby asked for my first village-related petition 😀

Sleep-in Saturday @-@ …but what about Saturday morning cartoons? 🙁

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