Wishlist/Goals is done!

Posted by: | on July 16, 2013

Yep, the page is OFFICIALLY complete. Yay!

I’m sorry it took so long 🙁 It’s nice to have it finally done though!

If there are ANY questions about everything–let me know! Everything is mostly US names unless I couldn’t find the names of them which is mostly apparent in the “Misc.” section of Items and the “Edible” and “Toys” sections of Tools, Toys, and Nature.

As for what is most important to me… I mentioned it there, but anything with a * next to it is essentially the most prioritized! Anything with a ~ or ! is VERY low as I am probably planning to get them myself and it’s just there so I don’t forget what I need for it.

Regardless, if anyone wants to help or even try, I am happy just for the thought :3 So yes, thank you for caring! (And I also love catalogging so even if you have nothing you want to give up, if I don’t have it for my catalog yet, I’d be happy to pick it up and drop it back down! :P)

Also, thank you to Eclipsed and Thunderstuck for letting me visit for catalogging! <3

Day 38

Posted by: | on July 15, 2013

Re-tail Sign: Gyroid
Turnips: AM: Missed | PM: 77 Bells

So, today was a semi-late start which isn’t surprising as I managed to stay up late…oops. However, my internet is currently dead so I’m not even sure if this’ll get up in time… so if it’s not, this is why. I ended up having quite a few letters this…not morning. 3 had gifts–2 of which were from Ruby (One for my letter and one for letting her visit). The other from mom. Ruby sent a Sleek Closet and Blue Bed while Mom sent a Swimming Cap.

From the fossil digging in order to earn bells distance, I saw Katie in town.

It will probably be a bit before I take her somewhere–at least I can use Nearby to send her to my boyfriend’s.

Eeee <3 My Illuminated Heart! Looking forward to celebrating it later.

…It’ll look nicer in the evening.

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Day 37

Posted by: | on July 14, 2013

Video Log: Twitch Part 1, Twitch Part 2
Re-tail Sign: Diving Beetle
Turnips: Sunday! Joan was selling for 91 Bells each.

Sunday means Joan is in town! I caught her to see what her prices were right before it hit noon.

Cheap price, but really no interest in buying anymore. I’ll just move towards the 100 million goal slow and steady. I would like to go faster though–I’d love to start work on my other character’s rooms and houses, but I don’t want to spend a lot of bells until I’ve hit 100 million…once I get the badge, I’m good.

I also had a new camper today.

Caroline is cute, but I already have a full town and she’s not really one of my favorites.

Despite being really fed up with villagers due to Buck being the last straw, I did stop by to say Hi.

“No…although, playing in boxes can be quite fun…”

Went to Brewster’s for Coffee and to work :3

Aww T~T Thanks, Brewster <3 I actually had 2 people from out of town for work which was interesting. Also, Joey is like…almost always there when I’m working. But yes, another perfect job <3 Brewster also gave me Cream and Sugar.

I then went to the museum to check my fossils expecting usual failure… but… WAIT.



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Day 36

Posted by: | on July 13, 2013

Video Log: N/A
Re-tail Sign: Moth
Turnips: AM: 43 Bells | PM: 38 Bells

As an early start to the day, I stopped by Chananr’s for detectiving! Someone sadly stole some of his stuff (A Golden Chair, A Shaved Ice Lamp, and some other DLC stuff and a Marine Suit) so I stopped by to see if I could help. However, as luck may have it, my surprise gift for him was done today! So I dropped that off :3 We also stopped by his island to check the stock and I played in his carnations.

I also made sure to drop off Rainy’s as well <3 Just need to drop off Zed’s now. Just…THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR HELPING ME WHEN I FIRST STARTED! T~T I wish I could do more to express how thankful I am for you guys <3

Anyway, it was then time to start things in my town when it officially became the next day. As expected, I was given good news right from the Home Screen:

Yaaay~ Now my Main Street is complete!

However, after grabbing a drink at Brewster’s and going to continuing to look for fossils, I ran into someone I didn’t expect…


Yaaaaay <3

Redd is also here today!

About time XP

UGH. :/

His house is where the Drinking Fountain is supposed to go AND he killed my Pine Trees… v-v; *sighs* I know who it’s from so I’m just going to say it pisses me off that even if the person moved out days ago–if they never found somewhere to go, SURPRISE. That is just cruel :/ THAT DOES NOT MAKE ME WANT TO PLAY WITH PEOPLE, GAME. At least it’s not a worse location but… *sighs* At least once I get the other parts of the park down, this kind of stuff won’t happen again… But now I have ANOTHER villager who needs to get out. This is just so infuriating. I don’t want to time travel–I really really don’t, but this kind of crud is making me feel like I need to get my town done before I can even play with people and that really isn’t fun. :/ It doesn’t help that he’s a jock so there is literally NOTHING he can offer me. (Okay, technically the stuff anyone can offer but… I have other people for that)

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Day 35

Posted by: | on July 12, 2013

Video Log: N/A
Re-tail Sign: Brown Cicada
Turnips: Forgot to check

I actually had no mail which was…really weird. It’s been a long time since I have had no mail. Regardless, it had been several days and today was “re-try for the Stump I want” day. Unfortunately, in front of my house was Redd’s leaf :/ So another failure. And I received the orange by the campsite so a failure there too 🙁 *sighs* I won’t be looking forward to trying to get the specific pine tree stumps I want near my bench…

Speaking of benches…

I finally have my first bench! So excited 😀

As I continued my fossil hunting, I found a lost item.

Kiki was the only one up so I went to ask her first. It wasn’t hers though, so it looked like I’d be carrying it for a while…

Due to continued frustration with finding my last fossil, I decided to celebrate my new (and only) bench.

I will do Katrina’s project if I get another awful Public Work suggestion.

Unfortunately, I managed to fall into the pitfall I had been keeping hidden as I looked for the last fossil.. I thought I found it, but it was just a gyroid 🙁

After who knows how long though, I did FINALLY find my last fossil. And also stopped at the Cafe on my way to Blathers. Unfortunately, I had all these fossils AGAIN 🙁

With daily chores done, it was now the “wonderful” task of waiting for Re-Tail to open and everyone else to wake up…

The lost item ended up belonging to Joey…but apparently he put it down purposely because he got tired of carrying it 😐 He gave me a bubble tee as thanks. As it hit 9, I also found I now had some letters from villagers, out of the 4 I sent, 3 gave me gifts. Rocco gave me a Floral Wall, Ruby gave me Ranch Flooring, and Miranda gave me a Reggae Tee.

Before I could even get started on my “try to get specific requests” idea since Ruby was still in Re-Tail, Kyle gave me this “lovely” request…

…so, time to go build Katrina’s place. I’m actually pretty frustrated since he can’t even request anything I want anymore. Wish I didn’t even talk to him :/ I mean, there are stuff that anyone could request that maybe he could’ve suggested (Like the Lighthouse or Police Station) but still pretty upset about it. v-v

As per usual, I paid off Katrina’s fortune house immediately so I am looking forward to seeing it tomorrow. This means my Main Street will be complete–even though I still have some Nookling upgrades to go.

I managed to get Sleepy from Dr. Shrunk today.

And not too much happened otherwise–besides more flower taking from the island anyway.


Day 12: You watering flowers