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Day 26

Video Log: Twitch Part 1, Twitch Part 2
Re-Tail Sign: Carpet
Turnips: AM: 573 Bells | PM: 210 Bells

So, it was an early start today and to my surprise, I was greeted by Lyle (and rain–but this wasn’t so surprising.)

I decided to try–mostly as I don’t know if I’ll ever get 150K otherwise and figured I may have a better shot. So, I picked Fairy Tale.

That is like…what my character is made of.

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Day 19

Re-Tail Sign: Giant Snakehead
Turnips: AM: 56 Bells | PM: 104 Bells

Today started out a bit late which always stinks during a game with real time. I was greeted with mail containing my glass display cases and Astrid walking all over my property. And rain. again. When you’ve caught everything you can during the rain and most stuff only appears when it’s not raining, the rain can be quite frustrating. It’s also messing with my pink flower breeding.

Anyway, I headed off to start my chores and was greeted by Joey who wanted me to bury a time capsule.

I put it on the beach.

On my way back to him, I found a lost item!

It turns out it belonged to Kiki–the poor Kitten who lost her mitten.

I then went to pick up my Chaise Lounge.

To be honest–the pink doesn’t look that nice.. I expected a lighter shade :/ I’ll probably change it back to White.

For now, I gave him the Apple TV to make Ruby.

In the meantime, I’ve been thinking of possibly deleting and recreating Sir. My boyfriend ended up getting the same face as him (despite debating on getting a different one) and it’s just kind of weird. I haven’t spent much money on him, but I’d be worried about losing the house placement/possibly not being able to put it there now and it would just be annoying to recreate.

Apparently there will be a sale at Timmy and Tommy’s shop at 5PM…I will probably buy everything before that though. Unless there’s new things on sale then. I’ll check at least.

Anyway, only one of the 4 fossils were good and none were Apato so that stunk 🙁 The fossil I got did complete another Dinosaur though so yay. Also, thanks to the Glass Cases, my Plants and Minerals exhibit is coming together a bit more.

Just need to get a few more flowers and the proper wallpaper and flooring.

I then went and saw Nook to pay my loan…and remembered I should probably work on sorting out my Basement’s layout. After paying off my loan, I went and asked my Trophy Room to get bigger. I should go order more Rococo Dressers…

It was then onto Streetpass (while also buying out some stores) where I was surprised to see Reggie again!

I received Vanilla Soft Serve from Mark and a Red Balloon from Reggie. I went and ordered a few more things from Reggie. Note to self: Order Watering Trough from Upstairs first tomorrow.

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Lack of Updates + Plans

You may have noticed this blog not updating much. This is because I decided to put most of my plans on the Tumblr I made so this will mostly just be actual day to day posts.

Regardless, I am working on the pages more now that I have an idea on some of the stuff I want to do :3 You can consider this a bit of a highlight post.

The outfit my character will be wearing (she will have the usual dark brown ponytail and I always get the same face so…):

finishedproduct whitestockingsballetshoes
I haven’t completely decided on what she may wear on her head, but it will most likely switch between the crown and various pink flowers/accessories. She will probably usually be holding a pink bunny balloon.

My house plans:

How I’d like to style the outside of my home

General Map Layout and where I want my house to begin with

My Flag and Town Tune



The Face Boards I will be making:

And the main path for my town:

I also received and commissioned some lovely pictures of my future Animal Crossing character, including the image in the top banner (which is the featured image in this post and you can see the sketch below):

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(By Huffie-Puffie, Junri, BelovedNeighborMine, CandyCrossing, flabbeycrossing, pineappa-zing, and thecrossinglife respectively)

And something I did for myself:

But yes, on to set this blog more 🙂

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