Day 24
Posted by: Jennifer | on July 1, 2013
Video Log: Twitch (Partial Recording)
Re-Tail Sign: Gyroid
Turnips: AM: 87 Bells | PM: 84 Bells
So, today is an early start due to me trying to fix my sleeping by staying up and thus, Animal Crossing marathon! I was greeted with good news from the get-go…well, sort of.
It’s not opened yet and I technically don’t actually need it… but I’ll probably get a Mii mask just to say I have.
I wasn’t expecting a storm at 6AM considering there had been no rain at all during pathing… Blah. But yep, full storm with lightning and everything 🙁 Not to mention I can’t catch a Scorpion or Walking Leaf with this weather…
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Day 23.5
Posted by: Jennifer | on July 1, 2013
So, while doing patterns I saw a Scorpion Tail! Unfortunately, it vanished before I even had a chance to attempt it. I’ve noticed the Scorpion and Tarantula do not stick around long which is really annoying.
I did manage to get a Cicada Shell though.
According to my list…
Walking Leaf – 8AM-5PM (Ground)
Evening Cicada – 4AM-8AM, 4PM-7PM (Tree)
Cicada Shell – All Day (Tree)
Scorpion – 4PM-4AM (Ground)
Arapaima – 4AM-9AM, 4PM-4AM (River)
Horseshoe Crab – 9PM-4AM (Diving)
…I can currently get the Scorpion, Arapaima, and Horseshoe Crab (and of course the Cicada Shell but already got that) so I guess I’ll keep an eye out for those while patterning… Shall edit if I catch anything else.
Edit: While attempting to find a Horseshoe Crab, I did run into a certain Otter…
He gave me a Sea View (yay).
Edit 2:
Edit 3:
Double Yay!
Edit 4: Unfortunately, it hit 4AM and thus, no chance at the others, but I did finish pathing! I also caught an Evening Cicada 🙂
And picked up my Palm Tree Lamp <3
Yaaay~ Now let’s hope I can go to Best Buy today for the Cat Tower…
Day 23
Posted by: Jennifer | on June 30, 2013
Video Log: N/A
Re-Tail Sign: Giant Snakehead
Turnips: Sunday. Joan was selling turnips for 97 Bells each.
Because I am up for some reason at nearly 6AM, I decided to try and have an early day–even if I’ll probably be taking a nap within an hour or so and that “early start” will be ruined since not much is opened at that time.
It was nice to see. I had some mail–received a Sketchbook from Katie. Also, the 6AM music is very pretty.
I also apparently upgraded my Trophy Room instead of my Kitchen… oops. Shall do the Kitchen today then with the Toy Room tomorrow.
Anyway, while there was still stuff I needed to do (like celebrate the Cafe, go to the cafe, and dig for fossils), Matt invited me over to his Japanese town! So I decided to stop there first :3
I had fun catalogging things <3 (so want to get one of those glass cases with the books in them…)
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Day 22.5
Posted by: Jennifer | on June 30, 2013
So, Matt wanted to make a video about a Snail, but had no bushes in his town at the moment, thus I invited him over! I now bring you… how to catch a Snail. (and yes, I actually speak! Although, Matt does most of the talking)
Blooper Video
Was fun <3
Day 22
Posted by: Jennifer | on June 29, 2013
Video Log: Twitch
Re-Tail Sign: Lantern Fly
Turnips: AM: N/A (Missed) | PM: 112 Bells
Today is another late start sadly. Regardless, it was another day of mail and rain. Besides the rest of the stuff I ordered from Timmy and Tommy, I also received a Modern Chair from Ruby and, as expected, the Statue of Liberty from Gulliver.
I decided I may try reverse psychology with Astrid due to a lot of my other villagers asking to move who I am better friends with… shall see if it works out. Although, while I like Kyle, he’s probably the one I want to leave the most right now as I should be able to get the cafe request any day now… :/
Unfortunately, I did get two frustrating surprises…
Two of my bushes died. I’m really not sure why or how but bleh. One was a Pink Hydrangea and the other was my only Sweet Olive :/ So pretty upset about it. I wish I at least knew WHY. I don’t know if it was just a crazy incident or if I should try planting them again or what? ._.
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