Animal Crossing: New Leaf

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Day 14

Video Log: Twitch
Re-Tail Sign: Shirt
Turnips: AM: 188 Bells | PM: 223 Bells


So firstly, today is the Summer Solstice! Kicks also opened up today and well…


Also got an Illusion Floor and Mini Dharma from Miranda and Joey respectively in the mail.

Getting things signed~

Katie is here! (no surprises there) I’ll have to take her somewhere else in a little bit.

Not really my kind of thing but I appreciate the thought, Isabelle!

I really love faceboards >>

Stepped in a Pitfall :/ Someone must’ve fell in mine yesterday or dug it up. Darn it.

With all my villagers asleep except Kiki (Technically, Flip should be up too, but I can’t find him) and me having no idea how many fossils I have left to go when there’s Gyroids (I think it’s still 4 but… always that last one :|), I decided to go grab Katie and take her over to my mom’s town.

Speaking of Kiki, she REALLY likes your letter Zed. It’s her new bedtime story.

Anyway, after dropping off, we took a picture at the Faceboard.

Yay for faceboardness.

I then headed back, found my last fossil, and…YAY PHINEAS 😀

Oh my god, so many xD Tempted to attempt doodling something.

Anyway, Re-Tail was opened now so I went to sell some stuff and pick up my next bear. Next one will be Flower Print 😀

Then, it was time to buy out all the shops 😀

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Day 13

Re-Tail Sign: Pants
Turnips: AM: Despite playing, I actually completely forgot to check… | PM: 113 Bells

So, I was greeted with some good news right from the start screen again.

Yay for the next Nookling shop~

There was also a lovely bulletin board to celebrate along with something else exciting…

Yay for the next event 😀

It’s raining in town today. The 7AM music during the rain is really pretty–although, I think most of the music during the rain is nice.

I stopped by Zed’s to pick up the music he got me. He ended up ordering all the music I needed for my main house plus the song for the music box! Thank you Zed!

I have 3/6 Players–just missing the Jukebox, Sweets Player, and Lily Player/Phonograph/etc. I did get another Phonograph to use temporarily until I get the Lily Player though. I may do similar with the Tape Deck until I get a Jukebox. At least there’s a chance I’ll see the Jukebox, and I’ll be able to get the Sweets Player from Gracie next season, not sure when/how I will get the Lily Player until 2 years from now :/ (Next Weeding Day = April which I need to have no weeds for as I need him to request the topiaries since I want to build one of them so can’t try until the Weeding Day after that…heck, it’s probably better to say never as even seeing one weed is like instant MUSTPULL for me) So jealous of people who have them T__T

Still frustrated about our new villager… At least I won’t be seeing anyone else unless I invite a camper. Let’s hope I dislike all of them :/

It then dawned on me while waiting for Re-Tail to open up that the new Nookling store should be opened due to their crazy hours.

I was right 😛 While I wanted to shop, I really didn’t have room right now so I decided I’d stop back later. Kicks is still under construction…

Re-Tail was now open thankfully so I sold off stuff.

Eeee <3 I can’t wait for my music box.


Must order lots from it later. It’ll also help with putting my catalog checklist together on the site.

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Day 12

Re-Tail Sign: Wallpaper
Turnips: AM: 80 Bells | PM: 76 Bells

My fancy house 😀

Carina let me try out the Garden Walls. They are kind of pinkish–but more towards purple like the roof is and I’d just rather the pink/white walls. Still looks nice though. I really love how it’s all coming together, however, so I hope to see the roof, door, and walls I need soon to make it as pretty as it can be.

Received Mail from the HHA and Redd. Got my painting from the latter and a fancy jacket from the former.

See, very fancy. I may give it to Sir–I think it’d look nice on him.

I then decided to be nice and go say Hi to Astrid…

I’m honestly not going to talk to her again though. If she does the alert thingy and it’s anything other than a Public Work request, I’ll just say no. Sorry, Astrid :/ But this is a very important WIP and you can’t be there. As it is, despite being Snooty like Miranda, she’s definitely a lot ruder…

I chopped down the Cherry Tree today…

But I’m looking for a Heart, not a butterfly, so time to try again.

Heading over to Re-Tail to get my Regal Dresser and Baby Bear done.

Regal Dresser is going up first. Making it pink~ It’ll be done at about 11:45AM today. There is a chance I’ll change it back as I think a combination of pink with the white and gold looks nice (like the lamp) and I am keeping my wardrobe white and gold, but we shall see. I know I want the sofa to be pink afterall. I just kind of wish it wasn’t the gold that changed, but the white in some cases.

Kyle asked for a replacement for his flower bouquet. I gave him a Peacock Butterfly. I really like giving my villagers pets.

He gave me a rocking chair as a Thank you.

Celebrating the Instrument Center and last Public Work for a while unless someone requests something good…

I feel like the Instrument Center has gotten bigger. I know I’ve seen them before and they didn’t seem so big… or my character is smaller than most people 🙁

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Day 11

Video Log: Twitch: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
——————–Note: There is no sound during these videos as I do not have my audio plug with me right now. I’d recommend muting though as sometimes sound from things I was linked to during the stream leaked through and it’s really loud and just not recommended.
Re-Tail Sign: Conch Shell
Turnips: AM: 89 Bells | PM: 84 Bells

So, considering it’s about 7:40AM, there really won’t be much going on, but Isabelle tells me what I am excited about today…


Got my gift from Katie and fake painting from Redd. Katie sent me another World Map 🙁

Kiki tried to move. I told her no. Thankfully, she changed her mind. Nobody is moving until they request their stuff. Except maybe Kyle or Tammy. I do need things from both of them, but I’d rather those areas be free, to be blunt.

Eeee! More awesome announcements.

It seems I have Redd today 🙂


At least she’s right before my only Perfect Peach tree…but… that is where my bridge was going to go :/ Ugh, I need to get these things unlocked ASAP. So upset right now.

Dream Suite Celebration! 😀

I also randomly got a Six Ball Tee from Flip.

Fortune Cookie had a Bullet Bill (“Bill Blaster”)…

And Kicks’ is being built!

Uploading my dream for my Dream Address…

So, my Dream Address is 5100-2140-1457 <3

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Day 10

Before I start, I am happy to say Comments now work! Not sure when or how they broke, but yay for them working again.

Re-Tail Sign: Spider
Turnips: AM: 96 Bells | PM: 92 Bells

Mornings are a bit slow now in Animal Crossing with the only things I really need being out in the evening (although, I think I have an hour to find a Gar…but that’ll be the drive to work).


SO BUILDING THE DREAM SUITE. I pray I can open it up today, but I honestly don’t know.

But first! Water Well Celebration.

…Only Flip is up? My feelings feel hurt 🙁 And then Flip gave me a Relay Tank. Thanks, Flip.

TIME FOR DREAM SUITE. It is actually only 234K–cheaper than I expected so I should pay it off today! Tomorrow will be breaking in the Dream Suite (so I will probably attempt to stream it). Expect to see me for 50+ Dream Villages >3 if I have the like…25K+ to pay for them anyway.

Will have to sell things first though before I do… so still 45 minutes until Re-Tail opens 🙁

I stopped by for StreetPass (MORE BALLOONS)

…and then took a small break for the drive to work @-@

I found Katie in my town today.

On the way to take her to my mother’s town though, I spotted a fairly big fish…

GAR. 😀 YES. Now just the Tarantula to go! Looking forward to what I get from Katie tomorrow too.

I also found my first lost item today 😀 Yay.

You bet I’m a Detective, Joey. >3 It’s official now.

Ran into Pete~

Ruby wanted a Shark, but I told her no. I just need the bells too much right now 🙁 Also still need to find my last fossil. So, decided to take a quick pause from trying to find the lost item’s owner to donate to the museum.

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